We, the First Nations of Island Lake residing in Garden Hill, Red Sucker Lake, St. Theresa Point and Wasagamack, do hereby, affirm that we never relinquished our inherent right to govern ourselves and continue to maintain the freedom and spirit of the First Nations self-governance as practiced by our ancestors.


We affirm and collectively strengthen our common goals as First Nations with distinct Aboriginal and treaty rights by determining and controlling the destiny of our local and regional interests and development in all areas of economic, social and political aspirations.


We recognize that our history, culture, language, traditions and Elders provide the foundation of our First Nations and that they are intrinsic to the future we shape for the children of First Nations of Island Lake.


Therefore, we, the members of the First Nations of Island Lake, do hereby declare the right to exercise and assert our sovereignty of self-governance and self-determination by unifying, maintaining and expanding the collective interests, lives, and identity of the Island Lake First Nations Membership in all areas of economic, social and political developments.


We further declare that, as elected leaders of the First Nations of Island Lake, the Constitution of Island Lake Tribal Council be Incorporated and enacted henceforth.


The Declaration enacted at Wasagamack on the 10th day of June in the year 1998 A.D.